DC Universe Online Characters Wiki

Spectral Sapphos

Spectral Sapphos are semi-corporeal psychokinetic manifestations of the souls of deceased Amazon warriors. They have returned to the land of the living to avenge not only their own deaths but also the deaths of any Amazons who have fallen while fighting for epic causes. They are neither purely good nor purely evil, being the souls of defeated Amazons of all moralities who now seek not only vengeance but also justice for their mourning Amazon sisters who remain among the living.

Though visually they all appear quite similar as the gods have limited the forms in which Spectral Sapphos may manifest themselves in the physical world, their ethereal powers are quite diverse. Recent Sappho sightings have indicated that they master the manipulation of all manner of elemental, psychic and paranormal energies, though they consistently channel their powers through polearms of supernatural substance which they wield with unnatural speed and accuracy.

The names borne by these souls while they were alive are largely unknown, but the citizens of Metropolis and Gotham City have taken to naming individual Spectral Sapphos according to the powers and personalities they have been observed to exhibit. Among the currently named Sapphos are:

The Sappho Sorceress, who seems far more predisposed than her sisters toward evil acts, using her eldritch magic to torment mortals for her own twisted pleasure. 

Sappho Sorceress

Sappho Sorceress

The Sappho Silhouette, whose soul seems as cold and unfeeling as the stone she conjures and manipulates with her powers. 

Sappho Silhouette

Sappho Silhouette

The Sappho Sensuist, who wields a staff of ice and seems obsessed with the carnal pleasures her corporeal body once felt. 

Sappho Sensuist

Sappho Sensuist

The Sappho Succubus, a fiery female warrior with a seductive presence that enthralls all mortal women who encounter her regardless of their given preferences. 

Sappho Succubus

Sappho Succubus

The Sappho Specter, an entity exhibiting telekinetic and hypnotic psychic abilities who seems to be both mentally and emotionally unstable. 

Sappho Specter

Sappho Specter

The Sappho Soul, who wields electricity drawn from the heavens and recites tenets from a variety of religions. 

Sappho Soul

Sappho Soul

The Sappho Scion, who wields the hard light constructs of the infamous Sinestro Corps and seems predisposed to aid that group in their causes. 

Sappho Scion

Sappho Scion

The Sappho Scourge, who is powered by pure rage and driven by an admirable code of honor to which she adamantly adheres. 

Sappho Scourge

Sappho Scourge

The Sappho Shade, a precognizant who manipulates both space and time and foretells of a grim future in which Brainiac has conquered our Earth.

Sappho Shade

Sappho Shade
